The biggest revolution in the management of Padel Academies.
Available soon.
Booking of classes through the app
All classes will be contracted from Emotion Padel.
Forget about having to worry about unpaid tuition, erroneous charges, etc.
We take care of it.
Monitor hours control
Knowing the profitability of your Academy
You can easily see the total number of hours each monitor has done.
And since only previously paid classes can be confirmed, and the student sees the status of his classes done, you can be sure that the total number of hours is correct.
Which classes are the most profitable, in which ones you are not earning what you want, the most profitable instructors, and much more.
Access at any time to this information of such relevance for your Academy.
Reduces the workload of the Academy Director
That's the easiest way to sum it up.
All the control of your Academy in your app.
Without personnel in charge.
Easy. Intuitive. Accessible.
Organization of quadrants
Have all the schedules of the monitors and students in your app.
You will have them categorized by levels and ages. Automatically, you will be able to know the places that are available for new incorporations.
Say goodbye to Excels. Say hello to Emotion Padel.